Components and results

Component 1 (Result 1): Organization and implementation of the National Breast Cancer Screening Programme on national and regional level improved.

1.1 Conducting analysis of the legislative and institutional framework of the National Breast Cancer Screening Programme and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement.
1.2 Conducting analysis of practices applied and corresponding documentation related to organization and implementation of the National Breast Cancer Screening Programme and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement.
1.3 Organizing and conducting 1 round table discussion of the representatives of Ministry of Health, CIPH, County Institutes of Public Health and other relevant stakeholders on organization and implementation of the National Breast Cancer Screening Programme.
1.4 Preparing Guidelines for the organization and implementation of National Breast Cancer Screening Programme and adopting Guidelines by the relevant authority (e.g. National Committee and/or Ministry of Health).

Component 2 (Result 2): Organization and implementation of the National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme on national and regional level improved.

2.1 Conducting analysis of the legislative and institutional framework of the National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement.
2.2 Conducting analysis of practices applied and corresponding documentation related to organization and implementation of the National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement.
2.3 Organizing and conducting 1 round table discussion of the representatives of Ministry of Health, CIPH, County Institutes of Public Health and other relevant stakeholders on organization and implementation of the National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme.
2.4 Preparing Guidelines for the organization and implementation of National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme and adopting Guidelines by the relevant authority (e.g. National Committee and/or Ministry of Health).

Component 3 (Result 3): Organization and implementation of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme on national and regional level improved.

3.1 Conducting analysis of the legislative and institutional framework of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement.
3.2 Conducting analysis of practices applied and corresponding documentation related to organization and implementation of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement.
3.3 Organizing and conducting 1 round table discussion of the representatives of Ministry of Health, CIPH, County Institutes of Public Health and other relevant stakeholders on organization and implementation of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme.
3.4 Preparing Guidelines for the organization and implementation of National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme and adopting Guidelines by the relevant authority (e.g. National Committee and/or Ministry of Health).

Component 4 (Result 4): Strengthening capacities of health professionals involved in the National Cancer Screening Programmes.


4.1 Conducting Training needs analysis (TNA) of stakeholders involved in the National Cancer Screening Programmes (breast, cervical and colorectal) and preparing TNA report, including also criteria (e.g. level of involvement in the National cancerscreening program, professional field of medicine, deficient teams within the counties) for identification of target groups and selection of training participants.
4.2 Preparing training plan and training materials related to organization and implementation of the National Cancer Screening Programmes (breast, cervical, colorectal) with special focus on organization and coordination within the county teams.
4.3 Conducting regional workshops for 80 health professionals (in total) on organization and implementation of the National Cancer Screening Programmes; upon implementation of workshops the trainees should be enabled to further disseminate the obtained knowledge.
4.4 Preparing training plan and training materials related to monitoring and reporting of the National Cancer Screening Programmes (breast, cervical, colorectal).
4.5 Conducting regional workshops for 80 health professionals (in total) on monitoring and reporting of the National Cancer Screening Programmes; upon implementation of workshops the trainees should be enabled to further disseminate the obtained knowledge.
4.6 Preparing training plan and training materials for training of trainers on medical expert topics on specialized type of cancer screening; training plan/materials will include at least one of the following topics:
o colonoscopy
o mammography
o PAPA smear test
o FOBT – faecal occult blood testing
o pathohistology
4.7 Conducting one training of trainers with the purpose to increase medical expert knowledge on determined type of cancer screening (in accordance with the training plan/materials) for 10 health professionals.

Component 5 (Result 5): Monitoring and reporting of the National Cancer Screening Programmes on national and regional level improved.

5.1 Conducting analysis of the monitoring and reporting of the National Cancer Screening Programmes (breast, cervical, colorectal) and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement.
5.2 Preparing guidelines for monitoring and reporting of the National Cancer Screening Programmes.
5.3 Conducting analysis on the current Screening Register and preparing analysis report with recommendations for improvement.
5.4 Preparing functional and technical specifications for upgrading of the Screening Register.
5.5 Upgrading Screening Register.

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