
Announcement of the Twinning Final event

The Croatian Ministry of Health and the Croatian Institute of Public Health are organizing the Final event of the Twinning project „Improvement of Quality of the National Cancer Screening Programmes Implementation“ financed by the EU Transition Facility Programme. The Final event will take place on Friday, 24 March, at 10:00, in the Big hall of the Ministry of Health, Ksaver 200, Zagreb.

The project is worth 641.500,000 EUR, and the purpose of the project is to enhance the quality of the National Cancer Screening Programmes Implementation, by improving the organization and implementation of the National Cancer Screening Programme (breast, cervical, colorectal) on the national and regional level. It was aimed at strengthening the capacities of the health professionals, CIPH staff and other stakeholders involved in the National Cancer Screening Programmes.

The preliminary program of the event can be dovnloaded here: Agenda EN

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